Laser Communications

AOA Xinetics has developed compact atmospheric compensation systems for horizontal path laser communications, including both ground based and airborne implementations. We have also developed and demonstrated several stochastic adaptive optics approaches that address the problems of severe turbulence along the beam path.


AOA Xinetics has developed compact atmospheric compensation systems for horizontal path laser communications, including both ground based and airborne implementations. We have also developed and demonstrated several stochastic adaptive optics approaches that address the problems of severe turbulence along the beam path.

Under the MAPO program, sponsored by the Laboratory for Physical Sciences, we designed, fabricated and delivered an atmospheric compensation system for horizontal path laser communications. We supported field testing on 1 – 2 km path at Ft. A.P. Hill and on 5+ km path at San Diego Bay. The system included both a closed-loop AO system and a high-speed, high-resolution diagnostic wavefront sensor.

We were responsible for wavefront correction as well as the design of the common optical module for two of the optical terminals on the DARPA sponsored Optical & RF Combined Link Experiment (ORCLE), a Free Space Optical (FSO) system with atmospheric compensation.

Additional Laser Communication Experience includes:

  • Developed AO laser com test bed for the Lab for Physical Sciences (including field testing)
  • Designed and delivered pair of AO laser com terminals for proprietary commercial customer
  • ORCLE- subcontractor to LM/Akron for DARPA laser com experiment, responsible for developing two AO laser com terminals (with conventional and stochastic AO)
  • ALT-subcontractor to BAE, responsible for wave optic simulation of airplane to satellite propagation
  • Supported NGES on ORCA
  • Developed breadboard optical terminal on internal NG funding

Laser Comm Breadboard

Gimbaled Laser Communication Terminal

Laser Communication Field Test