Northrop Grumman is responsible for the procurement, design, installation, integration and test of the COTS navigation, and communications systems suite of equipment to be installed on the Maneuver Support Vessel – Light (MSVL)
The LTN-101FLAGSHIP™ is an integrated global navigation, air data, inertial reference unit (GNADIRU) that has redefined industry standards for laser inertial navigation systems.
Advanced Networking Technology
Northrop Grumman connects domains through the design and delivery of leading integrated Communications, Navigation and Identification systems; software-defined, all-domain network radios; cutting-edge information assurance and multi-level security offerings; advanced waveform technologies; open architecture gateway capabilities; and emerging Internet of Military Things applications.
G-2000 DTG Gyroscope Product Suite
The Northrop Grumman G-2000 two-axis gyroscope is the smallest tactical-grade dynamically-tuned gyroscope available, offering proven high performance, small size, excellent reliability and low cost.
LN-270 Pointing, Locating, Navigation and Stabilization System INS/GPS (EGI)
The LN-270 is the smallest, lightest, lowest power and most reliable Pointing, Locating, Navigation and Stabilization system in its class, with unsurpassed geo-location and velocity accuracy.
LN-251 Advanced Airborne INS/GPS (EGI)
LN-251 (INS/GPS) is the smallest, lightest, lower power, and most reliable navigator with unsurpassed geo-location and velocity accuracy in its class
Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT)
Northrop Grumman’s approach moves the burden of trusted A-PNT Hub away from sole reliance on GPS to the complementary use of inertial devices augmented with additional alternative methods of navigation.
Scalable Space Inertial Reference Unit (SSIRU™) Family of Products
The Scalable SIRU™ family of products combines innovation and high reliability—with 100 percent mission success in more than 50 million on-orbit hours—for precision performance on space missions.